Robert Alfarano (Principal)

Robert Alfarano (Principal)

Robert Alfarano
Robert Alfarano has a Bachelor of Business degree, an accreditation in Executive Coaching, holds accreditation and registration with Australian Psychologist Press for Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®), the Breckenridge Institute for the Majors Elements™ tools, MHS for emotional intelligence tool EQi-2.0® and numerous other psychometric evaluation tools. The array of accreditations supports some thirty years in leadership positions mostly in major organisations. Robert has held senior roles in Human Resources, Marketing, Sales, Logistics and General Management, while working for three of Australia's largest public companies (Amcor, Boral and James Hardies Industries) as well as the American icon manufacturing corporation, ITW.

Robert's broad business exposure, university lecturing in Strategic Human Resources Management and personal interest for developing business culture / individuals combine to see him working with businesses of all sizes, to help them through today's people problems and to improve their overall businesses.

Key areas of Robert’s expertise include Culture & Cohesion Improvement, Facilitating Change, Eliminating Workplace Conflict, Executive Mentoring, Career & Values Realignment, Strategic Human Resource Management and Training / Improvement Workshops. 

Underpinning all of Robert’s work is his fundamental belief that support be practical, unobtrusive, aimed at developing self-sufficiency and improves the potential of the client organization and its people.
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